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Medical Quizzes on Expert level


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Welcome to DailyMed.ai!

DailyMed provides daily generated medical multiple-choice questions to test and develop your knowledge across different medical specialities. Keep your knowledge up to date and see how you score by daily multiple choice questions.

The current version is focused on clinical genetics, more medical specialties will be added as the site is further developed.

For who?

Are you a clinician in training, intern, an experienced clinician or someone who wants to further develop knowledge of clinical subjects? Then DailyMed.ai is for you.

AI-powered Questions

DailyMed generates exciting and challenging questions that test clinical expertise. Questions are developed using an AI-large language model OpenBioLLM, providing a resource for an infinite possibilities of high-quality questions (see Workflow).

Test questions are further improved by input from experienced clinicians, combining both cutting edge LLM algorithms and human input from clinical experience.

More information about OpenBioLLM can be found here.

The Team

This website is developed by Jorrit van Uhm MSc, PhD student at the department of Pediatrics of the Erasmus MC, in collaboration with Philip Jansen MD PhD, clinical geneticist at the department of Human Genetics, Amsterdam UMC.

DailyMed is regularly updated to further improve the question quality and user experience. Feel free to contact us with suggestions for improvements or errors (email).


Workflow diagram

Our Process

DailyMed.ai employs an innovative pipeline to generate high-quality medical multiple-choice questions:

  1. AI Generation: OpenBioLLM creates diverse questions across medical specialties.
  2. Self-Critique: AI refines questions, improving overall quality.
  3. Adaptive Options: Multiple answer choices are generated, increasing question variety.
  4. Expert Review: Experienced clinicians validate all questions before publication.

This process combines AI efficiency with human expertise, ensuring accurate and challenging content.

Quality Assurance

We maintain high standards through:

  • Rigorous Validation: Clinician checks, with plans for AI-assisted verification and enhanced fact-checking.
  • Performance Tracking: Monitoring question revisions to improve our pipeline.
  • Grading Refinement: Developing more nuanced assessment rules.
  • User Feedback: Regular updates based on user experience and suggestions.

Our commitment to quality ensures DailyMed.ai provides cutting-edge, relevant medical education resources.